Denalect Alarm is a local, independent company providing helpful service for the security needs of businesses and residents of Northern California.
I guarantee you that Denalect will quickly and courteously respond to your safety and security needs. We’re one of the few companies that provide live, friendly operator service 24 hours a day.
Our headquarters in Walnut Creek house our company operations including system design, customer service, installation, monitoring and business operations.
We specialize in designing cost-effective security systems with a range of state of the art equipment for:
- Burglar, fire and hold-up alarm systems.
- Closed-circuit television and optional remote Internet access to view cameras off site.
- Access control systems.
- Radio and wi-fi monitoring, which can eliminate the need for phone line or second phone line.
- Denalect’s established relationship and immediately recognized calls to local police and fire agencies dispatchers.
At Denalect we are personally and professionally proud to serve you in Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Solano and Sonoma counties.
— Rod Uffindell, Founder and President